• 7-8 Hours
  • Private Tour Order cannot be confirmed without Deposit. If the departure is from Yerevan, the Deposit makes up 15% of the Order Price; while in case of cancellation or no-show, the Deposit is not refunded to the Customer. If the departure is outside of Yerevan, the Deposit makes up 100% of the Order Price; while in case of cancellation at least 24 hours before the departure, 85% of the Order Price is refunded, and in case of later cancellation or no-show, no amount is refunded. In specific cases the Company may require a different amount of Deposit and set different terms of Order cancellation, by agreeing with the Customer in advance. The Customer shall make the Balance Payment on the spot of receiving the Service, at the latest, unless otherwise agreed with the Company. No additional amount is charged from the Customer when postponing the confirmed Order, if the Company has been informed about it at least 24 hours before, and if informed later than that, 10% penalty is charged from the Order Price. In case of an insignificant (up to 10%) reduction within a confirmed Order no recalculation takes place, and no amount of money is refunded to the Customer. However, in case of significant (more than 10%) reduction, 85% of the cost of the reduced part is refunded to the Customer. Moreover, sometimes the reduced part cannot include the cost of any services provided by a third party (i.e., food, entrance tickets, events, performances, etc.), if there has not been enough time or possibility to reduce them, and/or if it has been based on the service provision terms and conditions of the third party. Due to unfavorable weather conditions or force majeure state, and for security reasons, the Company has the right to change, shorten or cancel the Confirmed Order. In case of cancellation the whole amount paid for the Service is refunded to the Customer. If the Company has replaced the sites or services provided within the Order with equivalent sites or services due to the above-mentioned circumstances, then it has no obligation towards the Customer and does not have to refund any amount of money. In case of non-equivalent replacement or reduction, the Company refunds the Customer the Price difference between the confirmed Order and the one that has actually taken place.Cancellation of the excursion by the organization due to other circumstances is announced 24 hours before the start of the excursion and the cost of the reserved tickets is returned to the customer in full.
  • Child

From 3120 AMD Per Child


Beautify your day with this unique excursion, which begins with a visit to the Khor Virap Monastery, a wonderful place to enjoy the picturesque views of the Biblical Mount Ararat. Next is a visit to Noravank – it is unique in its structure, as the St. Astvatsatsin Church is two-story.

If you want to book an individual excursion to get detailed information, get acquainted with the conditions and pricing policy, call the following number:

Phone: +374-10-612-999


7-8 Hours



Highlights Icon

What to expect

Beautify your day with this wondrous tour, which starts by visiting Khor Virap monastery, a great place for embracing picturesque views of the Holy Mount Ararat. Next, see Noravank monastery, that is magnificent in its construction, as the church of Holy Mother of God is 2-storied monastery.

  • Enjoy the architecture of 17th century pilgrimage site
  • Embrace the stunning views of Biblical Mount Ararat
  • Observe the magnificent 2-storied monastery in Armenia


  • Professional drivers
  • Bottled water
  • Vehicle & passengers insurance
  • Air-conditioned vehicles
  • Free pick-up & drop-off within Yerevan
  • Extra stops on the route upon request


  • Significant deviations from the route
  • Audio guides
  • WiFi in the vehicles
  • Alcoholic beverages if lunch option selected

Khor Virap, Noravank

10:00_14:00 - 1. Khor Virap Monastery

Itinerary Image

Khor Virap is the most famous pilgrimage site in Armenia, as it is directly connected with the adoption of Christianity. As a state religion, Christianity in Armenia was adopted in 301 due to endeavors of Saint Gregory The Illuminator, who, before converting King Trdat The 3rd to Christianity, was imprisoned in the dungeon, over which a church of Khor Virap monastery was built in the 17th century. From the monastery one can admire the stunning view of the Biblical Mount Ararat.

14:00_18:00 - 2. Noravank Monastery

Itinerary Image

Passing a narrow road, surrounded by rocks of hundred caves, one discovers a scene of harmony of architecture with nature. The monastery, enshrined with fine architectural solutions and luxurious embellishments, is one of the brightest examples of Armenian architecture of the 13th century. Noravank consists of St. Karapet, St. Gregory The Illuminator churches and St. Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God) two-storey church, which is notable for its ideal constructive and sculptural work.

Booking conditions

Цены на Экскурсии указаны из расчета, что Экскурсия начнется в Ереване и закончится в Ереване. В случае начала Экскурсии из любого другого места или окончания в другом месте возможен перерасчет и изменение цены.

Дополнительные остановки или места могут быть посещены во время Экскурсий только в том случае, если это действительно возможно. В случае существенных отклонений, а также если Экскурсия длится дольше запланированного времени, Компания производит перерасчет, в результате чего может потребоваться дополнительная оплата.

Средняя продолжительность каждого направления Экскурсий указана на Сайте и (или) в Подтверждении заказа, но иногда Экскурсия может фактически длиться до 10% больше или меньше указанного времени.

Гражданам некоторых стран необходимо получить визу Республики Грузия при участии в Экскурсиях в Республику Грузия, а в некоторых случаях также визу Республики Армения для возвращения. Компания не оказывает помощь в получении виз. Визы выдаются на основании международных соглашений между Республикой Грузия и/или Республикой Армения и страной вашего гражданства.

В случае более 7 человек при организации экскурсии в Республику Грузия потребуется список выезжающих с паспортными данными.

Во время экскурсий желательно надевать удобную обувь, желательно закрытую.

Независимо от пункта назначения желательно брать теплую одежду. Климат в туристических достопримечательностях может отличаться от климата в Ереване.

При посещении церквей женщинам и мужчинам рекомендуется не носить открытую одежду. В случае женщин желательно иметь платок на голове.

Во время экскурсий, в зависимости от направления и места, в некоторых случаях транспортное средство может не доехать до пункта назначения и может возникнуть необходимость пройти некоторое расстояние и/или подняться по лестнице. Если участник испытывает трудности при ходьбе или подъеме по лестнице, рекомендуется заранее уточнить наличие таких мест в посещаемых местах.

Домашние животные могут быть взяты на экскурсии только в специальных клетках, с предварительным уведомлением.

Компания не несет ответственности за ваши вещи, оставленные, утерянные, поврежденные или уничтоженные во время экскурсий, как в транспортном средстве, так и в посещаемых местах.

Во время экскурсий пассажиры имеют страховку от дорожно-транспортных происшествий, которая возмещает реальный ущерб здоровью пассажира до 1 300 000 драмов, подтвержденный документами о расходах.

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Khor Virap, Noravank

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From 3120 AMD

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Khor Virap, Noravank

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